Past Archives

Update - Mr. George Faull, original edited of the Gospel Unashamed, passed away on Feb. 24th, 2021 from renal (kidney) failure.  His desire was to continue the publication and requested that Mr. Terry Carter assume the editorial position beginning with the Spring April 2021 Volume 34 - #2 edition.

All Articles Prior to April 2021 were written by George L. Faull unless otherwise stated. Beginning with the April 2021 edition, all articles will be written by 
Terry Carter unless otherwise noted.

Archive Articles Fall 2000 thru Summer 2007

Alphabetical Listing of All Gospel Unashamed Articles 


Subscription Articles for 2024:
Spring 2024
April Volume 37 - #2
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 37 #2
Solar Eclipse
Are Children Saved by Their Believing Parents?

Winter 2024
January Volume 37 - #1
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 37 #1
Five Things to Look Forward to After You're DEAD by Shane Capps
Not All Fools are Rich
The Genealogy of Jesus - Matthew 1:1-17
Was Dinah a Virgin After She Was Raped?

Subscription Articles for 2023:
Fall 2023
October Volume 36 - #4
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 36 #4
A Feminist on Evolution 
Kenya Trip Report
Thirty Years of Service - Carol See
Wrestling with Pigs 

Summer 2023
July Volume 36 - #3
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 36 #3
Even Pagans Know Better
Grace vs Mercy by Shane Capps
Parallels Between Joshua and Acts
Spiritual Vampires
The Lord is My Shepherd

Spring 2023
April Volume 36 - #2
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 36 #2
Can an Evangelist also be a Deacon?
Fellowship in Passover
The Falling Away
Two Related Communion Questions

Winter 2023
January Volume 36 - #1
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 36 #1
According to the Scriptures 
Calling Peter
Can a Woman Preach? by Shane Capps

Subscription Articles for 2022:
Fall 2022
October Volume 35 - #4
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 35 #4
CHART - Abraham's Timeline
Date of the Septuagint
Jesus is the Greater Than Daniel by Wade Allen
One Prophecy About Jesus
Translation of Isaiah 7:14

Summer 2022
July Volume 35 - #3
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 35 #3
Christian Unity by Chris Ponchot
Exciting Changes at Summit
The False Necessity of Eloquence by Drake Faull
The Man of Lawlessness and the Antichrist 

Spring 2022
April Volume 35 - #2
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 35 #2
Camel Through a Needle's Eye
Student is Called Home - Mike Pemberton Remembered 
The Glorification of Jesus - A Communion Meditation
Warning - There's a Preacher Shortage by Shane Capps

Winter 2022
January Volume 35 - #1
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 35 #1
Spiritual Lessons from Covid
The Fear of the Lord
When Followers of the Lord Disagree by Jerry Paul

Subscription Articles for 2021:
Fall 2021
October Volume 34 - #4
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 34 #4
Covid and the Mark of the Beast
CHART - The Patriarch's Timeline - Abraham to Joseph
Why Go to Church?

Summer 2021
July Volume 34 - #3
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 34 #3
A Better World
CHART - Wilderness Wandering Timeline
Hard Days, Hard Life by Summits Professor Shane Capps
The Fall of Man - A Modern Version

Spring 2021
April Volume 34 - #2
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 34 #2
A Familiar Psalm for the Lord's Table
A Great Man Has Fallen in Israel
Christian Utopia
Does God Meet us Where We Are?
Weep Not for Me by Brenda Barker

Winter 2021
January Volume 34 - #1
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 34 #1
An Update on Some of Summit's School of Preaching Students
Communion Meditation - "Remembering Who we are and Who Jesus is"
Offering Meditation - "Life Insurance"
Offering Meditation - "The Widow's Mite" Mark 12:41
The Resurrection Seldom Spoken About
What About God Killing Children? by Terry Carter
You Can Do Nothing Against the Truth (Re: Tyndale Bible's)

Fall 2020
October Volume 33 - #4
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 33 #4
A Few EXCEPTions
​A Look at Proverbs 26:18-19
Covid Crazy Yet? (A little humor) by Unknown
How "Common" is Common Law Marriage? by Brenda Barker
​Many Advisors by Kendall Faull
Matthew 5:17-19 and the Law
Sudden Origins by Terry Carter

Summer 2020
July Volume 33 - #3
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 33 #3
Are You Sure You Want to Get Rich?
CHART - Genesis 1 - 11 Questions to be Prepared to Answer
Has the Word "Homosexuality" Always Been in the Bible?

Spring 2020
April Volume 33 - #2
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 33 #2
Founder Says "Thanks" by George L Faull
Is Genesis Historical?
Ten Things Jesus Warns us About!
Understanding a Misunderstood Misquoted Passage - 1 Cor. 14:27-38
What is so Unique About the Resurrection of Jesus for Salvation?
"Woe" Unto You

Winter 2020
January Volume 33 - #1
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 33 #1
John 3:8 - Where the Spirit comes or goes by Terry Carter
What Does it Mean to be "Born Again"?  John 3:3-7 by Terry Carter
Why Didn't Nicodemus Understand about "Born Again" or "Born of Water and Spirit?

Fall 2019
October Volume 32 - #4 
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 32 #4
A Little Fire Kindleth Much!
Charge to a Young Preacher by Roger Chambers
Environmental Disaster by Terry Carter
Instrumental Music... To Use or Not To Use by Larry West
Parents: Your Children Should Not be Your Friends by John Rosemond
Paul's Epistles by Terry Carter
Thank You From Summit

Summer 2019
July Volume 32 - #3
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 32 #3
Fellowshipping With God by Terry Carter
Former Summit Employee Passes Away
Scriptures About Church Discipline but Why Don't Churches Practice Them
She's Flattering Herself, Not You!
The Exceptional God by Ryan Cox
You May Be a Dysfunctional Family If... 

Spring 2019
April Volume 32 - #2
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 32 #2
Chart - A Contrast - Humanism, Mysticism, Christianity
Chart - God's Progressive Revelation on Eating Meat
Chart - What Did Jesus Know About His Death and When Did He Know About it?
I've Been Reading... Makers and Molders and Christian Chronicle articles
 Outline Study of Sin
The Apocrypha by Terry Carter

Winter 2019
January Volume 32 - #1
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 32 #1
Accepted in the Beloved
Necessary Attitudes for Discipleship
The Sinners Prayer
Translations for the Word, "Baptizo"

Fall 2018
October Volume 31 - #4
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 31 #4
Baptism is Not for Christians, but Sinners
Do You Believe Baptism Forgives Past, Present, and Future Sins?
Hyper-Grace by Terry Carter
Seeker Sensitive by Terry Carter
Where Are the Children? by Tabitha 

Summer 2018
July Volume 31 - #3
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 31 #3
Promises and Abilities Belonging Exclusively to the Apostles
The Lord's Day and the Lord's Supper - by Terry Carter
The Way Things are Supposed to Be - by Dr. Todd Dill
Women Workers & Volunteers at Summit

Spring 2018
April Volume 31 - #2
Full Subscription with All Articles for Volume 31 #2
A Brief Survey - "Why I am Not a Catholic"
Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven...Are still Available Today! by Richard Sprague

Winter 2018 
January Volume 31 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 31 #1
Armageddon - by Terry Carter
Baptism in Water or Baptized with the Spirit?
Holy Yoga - by Terry Carter
LGBT Still Expecting Special Privileges - by Jeff Faull
Some Things Just Don't Fit!
The Crusades and Jihad - by Terry Carter
What is the Abomination of Desolation Jesus Refers to in Matthew 24:15-21?
Who Spoke in Tongues on Pentecost?

    Notice - All articles are written by George L. Faull unless otherwise stated.

Fall 2017
October Volume 30 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 30 #4
Did John the Baptist Start the Church?
Ecclesiastes - Solomon's Sermon
Muslim Divorce Law Revoked in India
Pledge of Allegiance - by Terry Carter

July Volume 30 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 30 #3
Concerning Your Gift
Matthew 5:17-19 - RE: The Law
The Wisdom of Solomon by Terry Carter
Thoughts from Kendall - The Top Ten Problems in Churches Today and God's Character By Kendall Faull
What You Taught Us - A Poem by Terry Carter
Who You Courtin'?
If We can Lose Our Salvation by Sinning, Why are People Not Constantly Being Baptized?

April Volume 30 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 30 #2
A Classic American Hymn of Praise - by Kendall Faull
Anointing of the Holy Spirit - by Terry Carter
Are Miscarriages and Aborted Babies and the Mentally Disabled Saved?
CHART - How to Partake of the Greatest Memorial in the World
Equipped to Defend (Abortion) - by Ryan Cox
Jesus versus Spartacus - by Terry Carter
Jihad and Crusades - by Terry Carter

January Volume 30 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 30 #1
Does Acts 14:23 Indicate a Vote? - by Terry Carter
Encouraging Words from a Summit Student - by Steven Walters
Illegal Aliens and the Mixed Multitude
CHART - Liberty is NOT License
We've Been Down This Road Before - by John Waddey

   Notice - All articles are written by George L. Faull unless otherwise stated.

FALL 2016
October Volume 29 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 29 #4
CHART - Dress Styles of Kids and Preachers Today
Nor In Jerusalem - by David Vaughn Elliott
The Biblical Heart - With Charts
The Commands of God Concerning "The Faith" - by Kendall Faull
There's More to Matthew 18 than "the Offended" - Submitted

July Volume 29 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 29 #3
Biblical Concept of Restoration by Richard Sprague
The Orlando Massacr - Whose Side Are You On?
Ladies Second Wind Jubilee in August - Info and Registration form

April Volume 29 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 29 #2
Could the Apostles Forgive Sins? by Terry Carter
El-Roi, the God Who Sees Me
Is Genesis a Myth?
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

January Volume 29 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 29 #1
Dear Brother Carter RE First Day of the Week by Terry Carter
Junior Church - A Midget Maker by Phil Young
Just Who Is Lucifer?
Rejoice, a Savior is Born
Some Questions for Homosexuals

    Notice - All articles are written by George L. Faull unless otherwise stated.

FALL 2015
October Volume 28 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 28 #4
Chart Insert - Timeline from Abraham to the Temple - by George L. Faull
NOTE - Chart is 2-sided and should be printed as Landscape

Is Jesus' Redemption two-fold in Isaiah 53 and Christians
shouldn't be sick? by George L. Faull
The Gospel of Jesus' Wife - by Terry Carter
The Irrationality of Calvinism - by Terry Carter

July Volume 28 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 28 #3
A Different Look at the Inquisition - by George L. Faull
Created, Not Born - by Terry Carter
Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by George L Faull/Terry Carter

April Volume 28 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 28 #2
Dating While Getting a Divorce? - by Tabitha
Does Acts 13:48 Teach Calvinism? - by Terry Carter
Only Begotten Son
Think About it (Adultery, Immersion, Women Speaking)
Tried, Tested, and Trustworthy Text-Types - by Ryan Cox

January Volume 28 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 28 #1
Lilith and Eve
Musical Instruments Allowed by Scripture - by George L. Faull & Terry Carter
Was Jesus a Rebel? by Terry Carter
The Woman Caught in Adultery in John 8 - Is is Authentic?


FALL 2014
October Volume 27 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 27 #4
Apologetics - Is it Necessary? - by Billy Dyer
Cain and Abel's Sacrifice - by Terry Carter
Is God Really Your God?
The Jehovah's Witnesses and John 1:1 - by Terry Carter

Summer 2014
July Volume 27 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 27 #3
A "LOT" To Think About (Regarding Gambling)
CHART - I Make All Things New - Genesis - Revelation
Don't Buy the Milk by Doug Carter
Snuff Said
The Ministry of Music in Christ's Church by Phil Young
Women Teachers - A SATIRE by Terry Carter

Spring 2014
April Volume 27 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 27 #2
Absolutely Absurd
CHART Comparison of Genealogies by Terry Carter
Communion Meditation - Blood of the Covenant by Todd Dill
Elder Confusion by Terry Carter
Genealogies or Gapologies by Terry Carter

Winter 2014
January Volume 27 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 27 #1
A Study of Michael, the Archangel
How Old was Isaac When he was Sacrifices as a "Lad"?
Jesus and the Emergent Church and Matthew 24:45-51 by Terry Carter
Teaching of the Psalms by Terry Carter
Thought Provoking Insights on Finances


Fall 2013
October Volume 26 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 26 #4
Men's Seminar - November 15th & 16th Link
Command, Example, or Necessary Inference by Terry Carter
Helping to Know if You are a Leader
Interviewed by an Angel
The Restoration Movement Has Changed, It Needs Restored Too

Summer 2013
July Volume 26 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 26 #3
Ladies Jubilee Registration Form Link
Good Teachers
Momento's in the Ark of the Covenant
Right Under Our Nose by Tabitha
Some Interesting Things About John the Baptist
Wedding Vows

Spring 2013
April Volume 26 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 26 #2
Ladies Jubilee Registration Form Link
Age of Accountability by Arza Boswell
Is the Name of a Church Important?
Jesus Said No One Comes to the Father by Donald Kibler
The Experiential Growth Process by Arza Boswell
Website Statements of Faith
What's New at Summit

Winter 2013
January Volume 26 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 26 #1
Men's Seminar and Ladies Jubilee Meeting Announcements
A Quote Worth Reading - Affliction of the Saints in Scriptures
Chart - What is Fornication?
George L Faull Resigns from Grissom
Is God Allah?
Laws of Sexual Morality - Leviticus 18
Summit School of Preaching Second Semester
Thoughts on Summit's Nehemiah's Course
Why Moses Was Forbidden to Enter the Promised Land


Fall 2012
October Volume 25 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 25 #4
Creation Week - A Picture of our Conversion
Revelation - A Book of Contrasts - CHART **
Will Animals be in Heaven?
Brother Faull Resigns at Grissom
Summit Teachers Receive Sword & Trowel Award

* * NOTE: The Revelation Book of Contrasts Chart from Octobers Vol 25 #4 subscription may be copied as long as GEORGE L. FAULL’s name appears as the author. We have had many of his charts, books, and articles plagiarized and published under another person’s name, and then copyrighted as if it was theirs. So feel free to copy, but with this restriction.

The chart is valuable to show the apocalypse of John is indeed apocalyptic and not a literal book. May God use it to His glory!!

Summer 2012
July Volume 25 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 25 #3
Do I Have to Believe in a Young Earth?
I See a Problem - by Tabitha
Summit School of Preaching Begins Sept 2012 / Library Books Thanks
Sharing Church Meals in the Church Building by Don Partain

Spring 2012
April Volume 25 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 25 #2
Women's Head Coverings in I Corinthians 11
44 Years Later, He Knows Better
Did Christ Promise Heaven and Earth Would Pass Away?
Regarding John's Baptism for Repentance vs. For the Remission of sins
The Correct Translation of "Eunuch" in Matthew 19
Three Questions for George L. Faull
   1 - If God knew the outcome of the future of Lucifer, why would He   
         create him?
   2 - Why are we still being punished or under the curse for what Adam & 
         Eve did?
   3 - Why does a loving God allow children to be born crippled or with such 
         things like blindness, or heart problems, etc.?
Understanding the Grace of God

Winter 2012
January Volume 25 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 25 #1
At the Judgment Seat and Hearing "Depart From Me, I Never Knew You"
Preacher's Response to a Social Drinker
Summit's Resident Hall Progresses
Why Summit School of Preaching


Fall 2011 October Volume 24 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 24 #4
A Difference in Translations - 4 or 40 yrs? - 2 Samuel 15:7
Challenging Thoughts - A Soul Winners Prayer
Christian and Tattoos by Kendall Faull
Summits Resident Hall Updates
Were Joshua and Caleb the only ones over 21 to Enter Canaan?
Were we Born Astray or Did we Go Astray? - Psalms 58:3
Why Hypocrites in the Church?

Summer 2011 July Volume 24 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 24 #3
Gods Kindness is Better Than Life
Is a Single Person a Sinner if they Never Marry and Were Jesus Disciples Married?
Is Original Sin a Myth Upon a Myth?
Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christs Presence the Latter Part of Her Life
We Never Learn Series 1 - The Pied Piper - Gothardism
Where Did the Wise Men Arrive to See Jesus?
Who Stole My Patron Saint?
Why Don't Many People Come to Christ and be Saved?

Spring 2011 April Volume 24 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 24 #2
Are There Two Gospels? - by Angela Lall
Does Acts 13:48 Support Pre-Destination or the Elect?
Social Drinking - Positively Negative - Author Unknown
Summit On Hold for Dorms - Update
The Grace Movement - by Glenn Waugh
The Ten "Cannots" - Good for the New Year! In 1916

Winter 2011 January Volume 24 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 24 #1
I Still Believe - by Phillip Young
Is Baptism a Work?
J W McGarveys Biblical Criticism Satire and Trine Immersion
Judge Soggy Sweat Dies - "Whiskey Speech"
Summit Contemplates Expansion of its Outreach
Whom Do You Support in Divorce?


Fall 2010 October Volume 23 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 23 #4
Does "He Sat Down" mean on the Messiah Seat?
J W McGarvey and the Use of the Word, "Pastor"
Jesus is All in All
Stars That Give No Light

Summer 2010 July Volume 23 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 23 #3
A Model for National and Church Destruction
Consequences of a Strong Central Government by Kendall Faull
The Emergent and the Outdated Christian by Terry Carter
The Promises to Abraham
What About Romans 9 and Pre-Destination?

Spring 2010 April Volume 23 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 23 #2
A Fool of Fools
A Look at Acts 2:39
CHART - In Eden and What We Must Do Today
Concerning Heaven and Hell
Do the Poor Have the "Right" to Free Health Care? - By Kendall Faull
Read the Fine Print
Sometimes We Miss the Point

Winter 2010 January Volume 23 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 23 #1
A Dream Well Taken
Have Churches Gone Crazy?
How Could Jesus Drink Wine on the Cross and Be our Priest?
Is Baptism Necessary?
Learning to Love the Unlovely
President Obama Supports the Gay Lifestyle
The Empty Pew
Time for Prayer
What About Plagiarism?
What's the Difference Between You and a Catholic?


Fall 2009 October Volume 22 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 22 #4
Do Not as the Heathen
George L Faulls Surprise Appreciation
Is It a Sin Nathan Boldt
Social Drinking
The Divine Importance of Baptism by Harold Buckles
Why the Fire by Steve Finnell

Summer 2009 July Volume 22 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 22 #3
A Good Question - Submitted by Philip Watkinson
Adultery Considered Morally Taboo by Most
Compassion Better than Condemnation
I Know My Grandparents are Saved - The Thief on the Cross was Not Baptized....
Is Homosexuality Moral According the to Bible?
Was Jesus' Prayer that He was Fearful of the Cross?

Spring 2009 April Volume 22 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 22 #2
Divorce Statistics....Beware!
Imprecatory Psalms
Jesus Fulfills the Law
Some Quotes I've Been Reading...April 2009 and Pondering Statements
What Does the Resurrection Mean to Me, Personally?

Winter 2009 January Volume 22 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 22 #1
Back When I was a Teenager - Old Abandoned Houses Featuring "Calf-Path" Poem
I Confronted My Preacher About His Lack of Mentioning Baptism
Meditate on These Things by Joshua Welch
Pray for Obama
Some Quotes I've Been Reading...January 2009 
The Bible:  Fact or Fantasy? by John Drane
What's the Cost of Smoking?
When Did the New Covenant Go Into Effect?


Fall 2008
October Volume 21 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 21 #4
Are the Tracking Devices Today a Fulfillment of Revelation?
Are Women Forbidden to Baptize?
Meeting Place - by Nathan Young
No Rules, Just Relationship by Jeff Faull
Some Quotes I've Been Reading....October 2008
The Church Here and Now by John Waddey
The Modern Thinkers Creed by Steve Turner
Was Membership in the Church Part of N.T. Policy? by Fred P. Miller
Was Terah or Abraham Called to go to Canaan?

Summer 2008
July Volume 21 - #3
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 21 #3
Perilous Times - Some Quotes I've Been Reading....
Does a local Church need an Evangelist if you have qualified Eldership
The Hand of God in History
Found in an Elderly Woman's Bible / A Testimony from one of Summit's Graduates
Repent and Be Baptists - A Parody

Spring 2008
April Volume 21 - #2
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 21 #2
Missionary Concepts of the Apostle John
Four Communion Meditations
Isaiah 53 - The Fifth Gospel - By William Dyer

Winter 2008
January Volume 21 - #1
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 21 #1

Fall 2007
October Volume 20 - #4
Full Subscription Copy with All Articles for Volume 20 #4

To View Past Articles - Click this Archives Link ARCHIVES 

The Gospel Unashamed
​                 Alphabetical Listings and Subscription Dates 

44 Years Later – He Knows Better (about Martin Luther King) – April 2012
A Better World – by Terry Carter July 2021
A Bible Museum – July 1989
A Breakdown of I Timothy 2:11-15 – October 1991
A Brief Survey – “Why I am Not a Catholic” – April 2018
A Christian, A Pacifist – July 1990
A Classic American Hymn of Praise - by Kendall Faull – April 2017 (Parody to the tune of “Be Thou My Vision”)
A Contrast Between the Belief of a Jew and a Christian Zionist (Speech by Rabbi Aharon Cohen & Dave Hunt’s Q & A) – January 2007
A Different Look at the Inquisition – July 2015
A Difference in Translations – 4 or 40 years – II Samuel 15:7 – October 2011
A Discussion with Tyndale House Publishers about the Translations of Acts 22:16 – January 2008
A Distinct Sound! – April 1994
A Double Standard – July 1996
A Dream Well Taken – January 2010
A Familiar Psalm for the Lord’s Table – by Terry Carter – April 2021
A Feminist on Evolution - by Terry Carter - October 2023
A Few EXCEPTions – October 2020
A Few Observations About the "One Faith" - K. Faull – April 2002
A Fool of Fools – April 2010
A Good Question – by D. Ryser from Phillip Watkinson – April 2009
A Great Man Has Fallen in Israel – by Terry Carter – April 2021
A King Hears - M. Pemberton – January 2003
A Little Fire Kindleth Much – October 2019
A Look at Proverbs 26:18-19 – October 2020
A Lot of Choices on Lot - K. Faull – October 1996
A “LOT” to Look at (Concerning Gambling) – July 2014
A Look at Acts 2:39 – April 2010
A Look at Romans 11 – October 2002
A Male God – by Jerry Paul – April 2007
A Model for National and Church Destruction – July 2010
A Modern Version of Genesis Chapter 3 – July 2005
A Much Needed Interview – July 2000
A New Letter from the Apostle Paul (Satire) – January 1992
A Parable of Predestination – July 1998
A Parable – Ozarks – October 1996
A Parallel – April 1995
A Purgatory for Protestants – July 2005
A Quote Worth Reading – Affliction of the Saints in Scriptures – January 2013
A Review of A. N. Dugger's swine flesh as food – July 1997
A Review of Article: Can A Christian Be Demon Possessed? - F. Sherwood Smith – January 1993
A Scriptural Concept of Prayer – October 1989
A Second Look at John 3:13 – January 2008
A Striking Contrast- Disciples of Christ – October 1990
A Study of Michael, the Archangel – January 2014
A Testimony from One of Summit’s Graduates – Mike Pemberton – July 2008
A Tribute to Today's Woman/Proverbs 31 – January 1990
A Wedding Made in Heaven – January 2002
A Wise, Respected and Honored Hoosier (About John Wooden) – July 2006
A Victory Psalm – Concerning the 22nd Psalm – July 2006
Absolutely Absurd – April 2014
Accepted in the Beloved – January 2019
According to the Scriptures - by Terry Carter - January 2023
Acts of the Apostles – Chart – January 2005
Adultery Considered Morally Taboo by Most – July 2009
Age of Accountability – by Arza Boswell – April 2013
Agenda Into Translations – Bill Cook – October 2006
America's War Statistics – January 1991
Amos 9:11- Is the type of worship of David to be done today? – April 1993
An Old Friend – July 2007
An Open Letter to Bob Russell – July 1996 & July 2001
An Update on Some of Summit’s School of Preaching Students – January 2021
Animal Activists – April 1991
Anointing of the Holy Spirit - by Terry Carter – April 2017
Another Name for Low Self-esteem is Pride – Kendall Faull – January 2005
Answering Questions from Russia (As published in One Body 1993 Winter Edition) – July 2006
Any Day Communion – July 1994 /April 2007
Apologetics – Is it Necessary – by Billy Dyer – October 2014
Apostolic Gifts Today? Inconsistent Today? – January 1992 & October 2000
Are Miscarriages and Aborted Babies and the Mentally Disabled, Saved? April 2017
Are the Dead Aware of What's Going on in the Earth? – October 2003
Are There Two Gospels – by Angela Lall – April 2011
Are Tongues a Sign for Today? – April 1996
Are You a Christian? – April 2004Armageddon – by Terry Carter – January 2018
Are You Sure You Want to Get Rich? – July 2020
Ask the Evangelist, Kendall Faull - Why take communion every week?
At the Judgment Seat and hearing “Depart from me, I Never Knew You” – January 2012
Attention Women Only! - Sharon Hinrichsen – April 1996
Bake Sales? Bazaars? Car Washes? – October 1994
Baker's Folly (Evangelical Compromisers) – April 2004
Baptism – Why sinners don’t continue to get baptized for salvation – July 2017
Baptism in Water or Baptized with the Spirit – Is there a Difference? – January 2018
Baptism is not for Christians, but Sinners – October 2018
Baptismal Regeneration – July 2003
Baptist and the Christian – continued – January 2002
Baptist and the Christian – continued – October 2004
Baptist and the Christian – continued – January 2005
Baptist and the Christian – continued – April 2005
Before You are Baptized – January 1998
Besides Joshua and Caleb Did Some Other People Go into the Promised Land? – April 1997
Beware of the Church of Christ (Satire) – April 1993
Biblical Separation of Church and State - K. Faull – April 1997
Birth Control – April 1994
Books (Satire) – April 1988
Born of God, do not sin? – January 1993
Breaking Bread in Acts 2:46 - T. Carter – April 1998
Brother Faull Resigns at Grissom – October 2012
Brother Faull's Comments on Denny Coburn’s article of “What was Paul’s Thorn in the flesh?” April 1995
Brother Harley Siders – January 1997
Brother Ira – October 1997
But I Say unto You… - July 1993
Challenging Thoughts – January 2000
C. I. Joe (Satire) – January 1993
C. Y. Kim- Prison in Korea
Cain and Abel’s Sacrifice – by Terry Carter – October 2014
Calling Peter - by Terry Carter - January 2023
Calvinistic Logic – January 1995
Can a Christian Be Demon Possessed? - John Loftus – October 1992
Can Women Immerse?
Can a Woman Preach? - By Shane Capps January 2023
Can an Evangelist also be a Deacon? - by Terry Carter - April 2023
Can't Tell a Book by its Cover (Geodes) - July 1998
Camel Through a Needle's Eye - by Terry Carter - April 2022
Carter's Rebuttal on Promise Keepers – by Terry Carter - July 1995
Cedric Root of "The Work of the Evangelist" – January 1994
Challenging Thoughts – January 2000
Challenging Thoughts – A Soul Winner’s Prayer – October 2011
Challenging Thoughts – Blinkey –April 2006
Charge to a Young Preacher – by Roger Chambers – October 2019
CHART – A Contrast - Humanism, Mysticism, Christianity – April 2019
CHART - Christ is now King on David's Throne - July 1988
CHART – Comparison of Genealogies – by Terry Carter – April 2014
CHART – Genesis 1 – 11 Questions to Prepare to Answer – July 2020
CHART – God’s Progressive Revelation on Meat – April 2019
CHART – How to Partake of the Greatest Memorial in the World – April 2017
CHART – I Make All Things New – Genesis – Revelation – July 2014
CHART – In Eden and What We Must Do Today – April 2010
CHART – Liberty is NOT License – January 2017
CHART - On Abortion for 2006 – January 2006
CHART – Preachers and Kids’ Dress Attire Today – October 2016
CHART – Revelation – A Book of Contracts – October 2012
CHART - Timeline of Abraham - by Terry Carter - October 2022
CHART – Timeline of the Patriarchs – Abraham to Joseph – by Terry Carter - October 2021 
CHART – What did Jesus Know about His Death, and When did He Know it? – April 2019
CHART – What is Fornication? – January 2013
CHART – Wilderness Wandering Timeline – by Terry Carter – July 2021
Christian Unity - by Chris Ponchot - July 2022
Christian Utopia – by Terry Carter – April 2021
Christians, Don't Join Promise Keepers! – January 1997
Christians and Tattoo’s - by Kendall Faull – October 2011
Circumcision – July 2004
Circumstantial Evidence – J. L. McKinley – July 2004
Co-sign? No Way – April 1994
College Catalog Changes – “Accreditation” – April 2006
Command, Example, or Necessary Inference? – by Terry Carter – October 2013
Comments on the Well-known Script from the West Wing – July 2007
Communion Meditation – Blood of the Covenant – by Todd Dill – April 2014
Communion Meditation – Remembering Who We are and Who Jesus Is – January 2021
Communion Meditation – See “A Familiar Psalm for the Lord’s Table” April 2021 by Terry Carter
Communion Meditations (4 Published in Christian Standard April 2004)
Communion Table I. H. S. – April 1989
Comparison Between Jeremiah and Christ - P. Bowling - October 2002
Compassion…Better than Condemnation – July 2009
Complimentary Verses on Salvation – July 1998
Concerning Heaven and Hell – April 2010
Concerning Max Lucado and Promise Keepers – October 1997
Concerning the Gospel of Thomas – October 1994
Concerning Your Gifts – July 2017
Consequences for a Strong Central Government – by Kendall Faull – July 2010
Consider How Jesus Handled the Unfairness of Life by Looking at His Trials – January 2008
Consider Others – January 2007
Could the Apostles Forgive Sins? – by Terry Carter – April 2016
Could This Ever Happen? – April 1998
Count on Jesus – (Poem) Author Unknown – January 2008
Covid and the Mark of the Beast – by Terry Carter – October 2021
Created, Not Born – by Terry Carter – July 2015
Creation Week – A Picture of Our Conversion – October 2012
Date of the Septuagint - by Terry Carter - October 2022
Dating While Getting a Divorce? – by Tabitha (Brenda Barker) – April 2015
Dear Brother Carter – Preacher says Paul had good things to say about Corinthian Church – T. Carter – April 2005
Dear Brother Carter – RE The First Day of the Week – by Terry Carter – January 2016
Dear Brother Faull – Gena Hoch – July 2007
Dear Brother Faull – A woman who dad’s divorce caused her not to trust men – January 2006
Dear Brother Faull – Concerning Personal Attacks – October 2006
Dear Brother Faull – Concerning Summit’s Name – October 2006
Dear Brother Faull – Do you think I would be wrong as a Christian to get a tattoo? – Oct 2005
Dear Brother Faull – Does the Lord’s Supper Represent His Body or just emblems? – Oct 2005
Dear Brother Faull – How does a man who stood for years in the pulpit preaching the Old Jerusalem doctrine, end 
  up with those who oppose it in so many ways? – January 2006
Dear Brother Faull - Ministry Leaders replacing Elder and Deacon Concept – Oct 2005
Dear Brother Faull – Misquoting Jesus – April 2006
Dear Brother Faull – What do you think about a woman whose dad’s divorce hurt her emotionally that it may cause her to distrust men? January 2006
Dear Brother Faull – What’s your take regarding the interpretation of the “evil spirit” in I Samuel 16:14? January 2006
Dear Brother Faull – Who was the woman in Numbers 12 that was married to Moses? January 2006
Dear Brother Faull – Willow Pastors at Willow Creek – July 2004
Dear Jeff and Valerie Faull - Child Born Dead – October 1992
Dear Terry Carter … Rebuttal for Promise Keepers – July 1995
Debate Between Mike Grooms/GLF/Women's Role Concerning Deacons – July 1992
Devoted - K. Faull – July 2002
Dialogue With a Baptist – October 1998
Did Christ Promise Heaven and Earth Would Pass Away? – April 2012
Did Jephthah Offer Up His Daughter as a Sacrifice? – October 1990
Did Jesus Believe the Old Testament? – October 1988
Did Jesus Say Anything About Homosexuality? – July 2004
Did John the Baptist Start the Church? – October 2017
Did the Witch of Endor Actually Call Samuel Back to Life? – July 1990
Did You Say "Pastor"? – July 1988
Discipline in Study Habits – October 2006
Discussion with the Tyndale House Publishers about the Way they Translated Acts 22:16 – January 2008
Dispensationalists and Revelation 20 – January 1989
Divorce Statistics – Beware – April 2009
Do I Have to Believe in a Young Earth? – July 2012
Do Not as the Heathen – October 2009
Do the Poor Have the “Right” to Free Healthcare? – by Kendall Faull – April 2010
Do You Approve of Randall Terry's "Operation Rescue" or Paul Hill's Killing of the Abortion Doctor? January 1995
Do You Believe Baptism Forgives Past, Present, and Future Sins? – October 2018
Do You Believe in Dinosaurs? – April 1989
Do You Want Your President to be? – October 1988
Does A Christian Go to Court? – April 1992
Does A Local Church Need an Evangelist if you have a Qualified Eldership? – July 2008
Does A Man Have to Know That Baptism is for the Remission of Sins before He Can Be Baptized? – October 1994
Does Acts 13:48 Support Pre-Destination or the Elect? – April 2011
Does Acts 13:48 Teach Calvinism? – by Terry Carter – April 2015
Does Acts 14:23 Indicated a Vote? by Terry Carter – January 2017
Does Christians Having Insurance Show a Lack of Faith? – April 1997
Does God Care What I Wear? – January 2003
Does God Meet us Where we Are? – by Terry Carter – April 2021
Does “He Sat Down” mean on the Messiah Seat? – October 2010
Does Paul Repudiate His Inspiration in… - October 2000
Does the Lord’s Supper Represent His Body or Just Emblems? - October 2005
Does the Work of the Evangelist Still Exist? – January 1994
Does Water Wash Away Sins? – October 1991
Doesn't I Corinthians 1:4-15 contradict verse 16? – October 1996
Don’t Buy the Milk – by Doug Carter – July 2014
Drinking A little Wine - 1998
Each Abortion- The Cost of Life – April 1988
Ecclesiastes – Solomon’s Sermon – October 2017
Editorial from George L. Faull – Free Gospel Unashamed this Month – April 1988
El-Roi, the God Who Sees Me – April 2016
Elder Confusion – by Terry Carter – April 2014
Ellen and the Sabbath - J. L. McKinley – April 2001
Encouraging Words from a Summit Student by Steven Walters – January 2017
Environmental Disaster – by Terry Carter – October 2019
Equipped to Defend (Re: Abortion) – by Ryan Cox – April 2017
Even Pagans Know Better - by Terry Carter - July 2023
Exciting Changes at Summit - July 2022
Familiar with Franklin’s Camp Teaching on the Gift of the Holy Spirit – (Question for Terry C.) January 2007
Fellowship in Passover - by Terry Carter - April 2023
Fellowshipping with God – by Terry Carter – July 2019
Filled With the Spirit – April 1999
First Corinthians – October 1996
Five Things to Look Forward To After You're DEAD - by Shand Capps - January 2024
Former Summit Employee Passes Away – July 2019 (Janice E Phillips)
Found in an Elderly Woman’s Bible (Regarding False Teaching) – July 2008
Founder says “Thanks” by GLF – April 2020
Four-Fold Gospel – October 1993
From the “Berea Call” – by Dave Hunt – December 2006
Genealogies or Gapologies – by Terry Carter – April 2014
Genesis 3:15 – July 1993
George L. Faull Resigns from Grissom – by Brenda Barker - January 2013
God’s Kindness is Better than Life – July 2011
God's Sovereignty Over Creatures Chart – July 2002
God’s Ten Most Wanted Men – April 2006
Good Teachers – July 2013
Grace vs Mercy - by Shane Capps - July 2023
Harder Days, Harder Live – by Shane Capps Professor’s Perspective – July 2021
Has the word “Homosexuality” always been in the Bible? – July 2020
Have Churches Gone Crazy? – January 2010
Have I Become Your Enemy - D. Frye – April 2002
Helping Know What is Right – July 1989
Helping to Know if You are a Leader – October 2013
Hermeneutics Shows 2000-Year-Old Tradition a Hoax! – January 1994
He’s Not One of Us – July 2001
Holy Yoga – by Terry Carter – January 2018
Homosexuality – January 2004
Homosexuality - John Loftus – October 1991
Homosexual’s Lecture – October 2007
Homosexuality – Script from “The West Wing” Exodus 35:2 – July 2007
How Can I Make Peace with my Enemies? – October 2007
How “Common” is Common Law Marriage? – by Brenda Barker – October 2020
How Could Jesus Drink Wine on the Cross and be our Priest? – January 2010
How Old was Isaac when he was Sacrificed as a “Lad”? – January 2014
How to Be Saved by Your Good Looks – July 1997
How to Write Good (Humor) – April 1991
How Was Israel Sustained in the Wilderness? Nehemiah 9:19-25
How Well Do You Know the Nativity Story? – October 1990
Hyper-Grace – by Terry Carter – October 2018
Hyphenated-Christians – January 2017
I Am Waiting on a Call from the Lord – April 1996
I Am Writing from a Korean Prison to ask for Prayer – C. Y. Kim – October 1996
I Calls ‘em as I Sees ‘em. – January 2005
I Have Heard You Say That Some People Over 21 Besides Joshua & Caleb Went into the Promised Land, How So? April 1997
I Have Read the Gospels and Can't Understand Why Jesus Never Said He Was the Messiah – April 1996
I Know my Grandparents are in Heaven – The Thief on the Cross Was Saved – July 2009
I See a Problem – By alias - Tabitha (Brenda Barker)– July 2012
I Still Believe – by Phil Young – January 2011
I Was Right All Along – January 2004
Ichabod! – April 1993
If I Were Asked to be an Elder – Len Faull – July 2005
If You Never Experienced it-You Wouldn't Believe it! - J. McKinley – October 2002
Illegal Aliens and the Mixed Multitude – January 2017
I'm Not a Campbellite! – January 1997
Impetuous King Saul – October 1990
Influencing Our Children – January 1992
In-Group – July 1988
In Christ Jesus, the Beloved
In Eden and What We Must Do Today – CHART – April 2010
Insisted on Raising Her Hands – January 1991
Instrumental Music…. To Use or Not to Use – by Larry West – October 2019
Interviewed by an Angel – October 2013
Iraq Trivia Email – Fact or Fiction? Kendall Faull – October 2004
Is a Single Person a Sinner if they Never Marry and Were Jesus’ Disciples Married? – July 2011
Is a Thing Wrong Just Because It Is Not Mentioned in the Bible? Ex. Prohibition – October 1996
Is Baptism a Work? – January 2011
Is Baptism Necessary? – January 2010
Is Genesis a Myth? – April 2016
Is Genesis Historical? – April 2020
Is God Allah? - January 2013
Is God Really Your God? – October 2014
Is God's Use of Symbolism Neglected?
Is It Just an Innocent Affair? – April 1995
Is it Sin? – by Nathan Boldt – October 2009
Is Jesus’ Redemption two-fold in Isaiah 53 and Christians shouldn’t be sick? - October 2015
Is Original Sin a Myth upon a Myth? – July 2011
Is the Age of a Church Important? – April 2013
Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 make no reference to Satan as Often Taught. Do you agree?
Isaiah 53 – The Fifth Gospel – by William (Billy) M. Dyer – April 2008
Is "Jehovah" the name of God? – October 1997
Is the Fig Tree an Emblem of the Nation of Israel? – April 1998
Is there Ever a Reason for a person to be Re-Baptized? – October 2001
Is the Sermon on the Plain and the Sermon on the Mount the same? – October 2001
Is Weekly Communion Necessary? – July 2007
I’ve Been Reading April 2009 and “Profound Statements” – April 2009
I’ve Been Reading – Makers and Molders and Christian Chronicle Articles – April 2019
J. W. McGarvey and the Use of the word, “Pastor” – October 2010
J. W. McGarvey’s Biblical Criticism Satire and Trine Immersion – A “Specimen” – January 2011
Jesus and the Emergent Church and Matthew 24:45-51 – by Terry Carter – January 2014
Jesus Before Theology Got A Hold of Him – July 2002
Jesus Didn't Baptize Anyone – by J. McKinley – July 2002
Jesus Fulfills the Law – April 2009
Jesus is All in All (Written in the Christian Guest – Winter 1983) – October 2010
Jesus is the Greater Daniel - by Wade Allen - October 2022
Jesus’ Resurrection – Fact or Fiction? – April 2005
Jesus, Name Above All Names – October 1993
Jesus Said, “No One Comes to the Father” – by Donald Kibler – April 2013
Jihad and Crusades – by Terry Carter – April 2017
Job – October 2017
John 3:3-7 – Where the Spirit comes or goes – by Terry Carter – January 2020
John Waddey in “The Church Here and Now” – October 2008
Join the Evangelicals – July 2003
Jonah/Christ Contrasted – by Terry Carter – July 2002
earl, Son of Perdition – April 1992
Judge Soggy Sweat Dies – “Whiskey Speech” – January 2011
Junior Church – A Midget Maker – by Phil Young - January 2016
Just a Stupid Piece of Paper – January 1996
Just Who is Lucifer? – January 2016
Kenya Trip Report - by Terry Carter - October 2023
Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven… Are Still Available Today! – by Richard Sprague - April 2018
Kick Out Your Live-in – April 1988
Know How to Act in the Presence of God? – April 1992
LGBT Still Expects Special Privileges – by Jeff Faull – January 2018
Laws of Sexual Morality – Leviticus 18 – January 2013
Learning to Love the Unlovely – January 2010
Legalism, What Is It? – October 2003
Legalism vs. Grace – April 1992
Letter to a Church Seeking a Preacher – July 2004 
Leviticus – by J. Mitchell – October 2003
Liberal Arts or Bible College? – July 1988
Lilith and Eve (Heresies about Adam having more than 1 wife) – January 2015
Local Controversy Concerning a TV Show – January 2006
Lottery – January 1990
Love – January 1991
Love? What is Love? - October 1996
Love for Truth and Mankind – J. L. McKinley July 2005
Love the Homosexual – Author to Remain Anonymous – October 2007
Many Advisors – by Kendall Faull – October 2020
Martin Luther King – January 1990
Mates Take Note – October 1997
Matthew 5:17-19 RE: The Law – July 2017 Issue
Matthew 5:17-19 RE: The Law – October 2020 Issue
Matthew 24 - 2002
Meditate on These Things – The Courland Call – by Josh Welch – January 2009
Meeting Place – by Nathan Young – October 2008
Melchizedek was Christ? – April 1989
Memories of Alcohol – POEM – by Author Unknown – October 2017
Mercy Killing, Is It Right? – April 2004
Ministry Leaders Replacing Elder and Deacon Concept – October 2005
Miracles Today - Fact or Fiction? – January 1999
Momento’s in the Ark of the Covenant – July 2013
More Apostasy by the Evangelists Newsletter – January 2009
Moses, An Example in Trial - 2001
Mother Teresa – April 2004
Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ’s Presence the Latter Part of Her Life – July 2011
Mull This Over (Conversation between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson about Wine) – October 2005
Music in the Old Testament
Music Groups in Denominational Churches – July 2004
Musical Instruments Allowed by Scripture – Compiled by Terry Carter and George L. Faull – January 2015
Muslim Divorce Law Revoked in India – October 2017
Must an Elder Be Married and Have Children? – January 1992
Must an Elder Have Believing Children – by T. Carter –April 1996
My Spell Checker – April 1997
N.A.C.C. Leadership to Repent – January 2003
Name "Christian"- Name of Derision? – October 1992
Name That Bible Character – by K. Faull – January 1998
Necessary Attitudes for Discipleship – January 2019
Nehemiah - A Typology of Christ – by T. Carter – October 1996
New Argument Against Evolution – January or October 1991
New Heavens and Earth – by Chuck McCoy – April 1988
New Report on Homosexuality – October 1991
News from Here and There – July 1998
No Rules, Just Relationships – by Jeff Faull – October 2008
Nor in Jerusalem - Insight Into Bible Truth #249 – by David Vaughn Elliott – October 2016
Not All Fools are Rich - by Terry Carter - January 2024
Nothing New under the Sun – by Terry Carter – July 2001
Nudity – by T. Carter – October 1999
Obedience to the Faith/Gospel – An Observation by John Mitchell – October 2004
Offering Meditation – “Life Insurance” – January 2021
Offering Meditation – “The Widows Mite” Mark 12:41 – January 2021
On Associations with Others
On the Road Again – January 1988
One Man's Dream/Another's Nightmare – July 1991
One Hope – by K. Faull – January 2001
One Prophecy About Jesus - by Terry Carter - October 2022
Only Begotten Son – April 2015
Operation Rescue – by Paul Hill – January 1995
Order of Jeremiah Ad – January 2007
Original Promise Keepers (AD 60) – July 1995
Outline Study of Sin – April 2019
Overcoming Our Difficulties – April 2003
Parallels Between Joshua and Acts - by Terry Carter - July 2023
Parents: Your Children Should Not be Your Friends – by John Rosemont – October 2019
Part II- New Testament Author's Use of the Old Testament – April 1990
Pat's Party Brings Joy to Kids/Bar – by J. Faull – January 1991
Paul, The Woman Hater? – January 1996
Paul, 12th Apostle, Matthias Out of Line – April 1991
Paul’s Epistles – by Terry Carter – October 2019
Paying Our Respects – by T. Carter – October 1998
Perilous Times – July 2008
Personal Prayer Language – by T. Carter – January 1999
Phone Calls to God – January 1997
Pledge of Allegiance – by T. Carter – October 2017

Count on Jesus – January 2008
Encouragement Quotes – July 2007
Ancient Proverb is Right - When a Friend Asks... - April 2023
When Friends Pray by Dorothy Stoffell - January 2024

Pray for Obama – January 2009
Praying for the Dead – July 1989
Preacher Calvin – October 1999
Preacher’s Response to a Social Drinker – January 2012
President Obama Supports the Gay Lifestyle – January 2010
Promises and Abilities Belonging Exclusively to the Apostles – July 2018
Putting Repentance into Perspective – July 1997
Question Concerning Joshua and Caleb – January 1997
Rapture, Prooftext Examined – April 2000
Read the Fine Print – April 2010
Reasons I Do Not Wish to Speak in Tongues – January 1998 / October 2000
Recognizing Paul Campbell – by Evangelist W. Blythe Robinson, Ph.D.
Regarding "Corpus Christi" – by T. Carter – July 2001
Regarding the Old and New Covenant – January 2009
Regeneration (CHART) – July 2003
Refutation of Gayman and Other White Supremacists – July 1993
Regarding John’s Baptism for Repentance vs. for the Remission of Sins – April 2012
Rejoice, A Saviour is Born – January 2016
Religious "Fumble" Talk (Humor) – April 1991
Repent and Be Baptists (A Parody) – July 2008
Republic of Tyranny – by K. Faull – January 1997
Restoration Hall Is Completed! – April 1996
Restoration Heritage Conference/Dallas – April 1996
Right Under our Nose – by Tabitha (Brenda Barker)– July 2013
Righteousness as Filthy Rags – October 2007 (Regarding Isaiah 64:6)
Romans 9:17 (Pharaoh) – January 2001
Rules for Marriage Participation – October 2001
Satan for an In-law – July 1988
Scriptures About Church Discipline but Why Don’t Churches Practice Them? (Dear Brother George) July 2019
Seeker-Sensitive – by Terry Carter – October 2018
Separation of Church and State – January 1995
Sharing Church Meals in a Church Building – By Don Partain – July 2012
She’s Flattering Herself, Not You – July 2019
Should a Christian Be Cremated? – January 1988
Should a Christian Be Involved in Halloween? – October 1993
Should a Christian Get a Tattoo? October 2005
Should Christians Not Have Insurance? – April 1997
Should Christians Take Medicine or Go To Doctors? – January 1993
Should We Take Money from Non-Christians? – April 2002
Should We Use the Purpose Driven Life Program? October 2004
Simplified Logic of McGarvey of Trine Immersion – January 2011
Sinless Perfection – April 2000
Sixteen Earmarks of a Cult – April 1990
Social Drinking – October 2009
Social Drinking – Positively Negative – Author Unknown – April 2011
Some Interesting Things About John the Baptist – July 2013
Some Questions for Homosexuals – January 2016
Some Quotes I’ve Been Reading – October 2008 – July 2008
Some Quotes I’ve Been Reading – by Robert L. Summer – January 2009
Some Things Just Don’t Fit – January 2018
Some Things to Consider Before You Divorce – July 1996
Some Thoughts on Divorce – July 1996
Sometimes We Miss the Point – April 2010
Something To Think About- Enterprise – April 1991
Song of Solomon –October 1992
Snuff Said… - July 2014
Spiritual Vampires - by Terry Carter - July 2023
Stars That Give no Light – Written in the Christian Guest – Winter 1983 - October 2010
Storm Synonyms – October 2004
Student Called Home - Mike Pemberton Remembered - by Terry Carter - April 2022
Sudden Origins – by Terry Carter – October 2020
Summit Contemplates Expansion of its Outreach – January 2011
Summit on Hold for Dorms – Update – April 2011
Summit School of Preaching Beings Sept. 2012 / Library Book Thanks – July 2012
Summit School of Preaching Second Semester – January 2013
Summit Teachers Receive Sword and Trowel Award – October 2012
Summit’s Resident Hall Progresses – January 2012
Summit’s Resident Hall Updates – October 2011
Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage – by George L Faull and Terry Carter – July 2015
Symptoms to Recognize One Infected with New Evangelicalism
Teaching of the Psalms - by Terry Carter – January 2014
Ten "Cannot's" Abe Lincoln – April 1992
Ten Things Jesus Warns us About – April 2020
Testimony of Josephus – by J. L. McKinley – January 2004
The Genealogy of Jesus - Matthew 1:1-17 - by Terry Carter - January 2024 
From Gene Hoch regarding Leadership in Ghana West Africa – July 2007
From George L. Faull regarding Homosexual Lectures in Morehead, KY – October 2007
From Summit – October 2019
The Absent Christ – April 1988
The Anointed Cherub – April 1991 & October 1995 
The Anointed Christ
The Apocrypha – by Terry Carter – April 2019
The Basis for Christian Unity – October 2006
The Bible – Fact or Fantasy – by John Drave
The Bible Is a Wonderful Book – April 1990
The Bible - Is It Reliable? – January 1989
The Bible Museum – July 1989
The Biblical Concept of Restoration – by Richard Sprague – July 2016
The Biblical Heart (and CHART) – October 2016
The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Denny Kees – July 2004
The Calf-Path Poem – by Sam Walters Fross (1858-1911) – January 2009
The Cause of the Spread of Christianity – January 1989
The Commands of God Concerning “The Faith” – by Kendall Faull – October 2016
The Commission and its Fulfillment – CHART – June 2003
The Correct Translation of “Eunuch” in Matthew 19 – April 2012
The Crusades and Jihad – by Terry Carter – January 2018
The Curse of Canaan (Genesis 9:24-27) – July 1993
The Day the Sun Was Darkened – July 1990
The Difficulties of Being a Preacher – January 1992
The Divine Importance of Baptism – by Harold Buckles – October 2009
The Emergent and Outdated Christian – by Terry Carter – July 2010
The Empty Pew – January 2010
The Exceptional God – by Ryan Cox – July 2019
The Experiential Growth Process – by Arza Boswell – April 2013
The Fall of Man (A Modern Version) – by Terry Carter – July 2021
The Falling Away - by Terry Carter - April 2023
The False Necessity of Eloquence - by Drake Faull - July 2022
The Fulfillment of the Land Promise – January 1990
The Glorification of Jesus - A Communion Meditation - by Terry Carter - April 2022
The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife – by Terry Carter – October 2015
The Gospel of Judas – April 2006
The Gospel of Mark and the Qumran Caves – by J. L. McKinley – April 2004
The Grace Movement – by Glenn Waugh – April 2011
The Hand of God in History – July 2008
The Imprecatory Psalms – April 2009
The Internet – April 1999
The Irrationality of Calvinism – by Terry Carter – October 2015
The Irritant – April 1998
The Jehovah Witnesses and the Christian – April 2004
The Jehovah’s Witnesses and John 1:1 – by Terry Carter – October 2014
The "Jesus Only" Doctrine – July 1988
The King – October 1999
The King’s Children – January 2000
The Legs of the Lame are Not Equal – October 2006
The Letter to Me – by Jerry M. Paul
The Lord is My Shepherd - by Terry Carter - July 2023
The “Lord’s Day” and the “Lord’s Supper” – by Terry Carter – July 2018
The Man of Lawlessness and the Antichrist - by Terry Carter- July 2022
The Michael Moore Syndrome – John Waddey – Jan 2006
The Ministry of Music in Christ’s Church – by Phil Young – July 2014
The Missionary Concepts of the Apostle John – April 2008
The Modern Thinkers Creed – POEM by Steve Turner – October 2008
The New Testament Author's Use of the Old Testament – January or April 1990
The One Baptism – by D. Mills – January 1991
The Origin of Faith – January 2001
The Orlando Massacre – Whose Side Are You On? – July 2016
The Owner, Coach, and Assistant – by T. Carter – January 2001
The Parable of the Wild Flowers – October 1995
The Paradox of the Incarnation – July 1989
The Pentecostals Were Right All Along – October 2005
The Permissive Society – July 1989
The Pope and Lusting after Your Own Wife – October 1988
The Poverty of Christ – April 2006
The Prayer That Should Shake the World – Len Faull – January 2006
The Preacher and Charlie – April 2004
The Promises to Abraham – July 2010
The Prophetess Mary – by K. Faull – January 2004
The Restoration Movement has Changed – It Needs Reformed, Too – October 2013
The Restoration of our Restoration Institutions – July 2005
The Resurrection Seldom Spoken About – January 2021
The Shepherd and His Sheep (A typical elder's meeting) – January 1994
The Sinner’s Prayer – January 2019 – Also a Tract
The Sundial – July 1990 
The Sword of the Prophecy – by Jon Lanier - 2007
The Talbot – July 1999
The Ten “Cannots” Good for the New Year – In 1916 – April 2011
The Terminology Battle – by K. Faull – October 1995
The Terri Schiavo Case – Murder or Suicide? – April 2005
The Testimony of Josephus – by J. McKinley - 
The Third Day – Day of New Beginning of Life (Sermon #1134) – January 2004
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil – April 2016
The Tree of Life – October 2001
The Two Foundations – by William Brossman – January 1997
The Way Things are Supposed to Be – by Todd Dill – July 2018
The Wisdom of Solomon – by Terry Carter – July 2017
The Woman Caught in Adultery in John 8 – Is it Authentic? – January 2015
There’s More to Matthew 18 than “the Offended” – by Brenda Barker – October 2016
Things Are Not All Bad – January 1995
Things You Should Know by Now – July 2002
Think About It… (God has said, Jesus has said…) - April 2015
Thirty Years of Service - Carol See's Open House - October 2023
This and That – January 1989
Those "Born of God Do Not Sin", Am I Not Born of God? – January 1993
Thought Provoking Insights on Finances – January 2014
Thoughts From Kendall – Top Ten Problems in Churches Today and God’s Character – by Kendall Faull July 2017
Thoughts on Summit’s Nehemiah’s Course – By one of Summit’s Students – January 2013
Three Questions for George L. Faull – April 2012
1.If God knew the outcome of Lucifer, why would He create him?
2.Why are we still being punished, or under the curse of what Adam and Eve did?
3.Why does a loving God allow children to be born crippled or with such things like blindness, or heart problems, etc.?
Time for Prayer – January 2010
To Give a Sacrifice Takes Sacrifice – by K. Faull – July 1996
To What Does John 3:5- "Born of Water" refer? – January 1993
Today's Alleged Miracles- Weighed and Found Wanting – October 1989
Translation of Isaiah 7:14 - by Terry Carter - October 2022
Translations for the Word “Baptizo” – January 2019
Transubstantiation – April 2004
Tribute to Whom Tribute Is Due – April 1999
Tried, Tested & Trustworthy Text-types – by Ryan Cox – April 2015
Two Related Communion Questions - by Terry Carter - April 2023
Understanding a Misunderstood Misquoted Passage – 1 Cor. 14:27-38 – April 2020 
Upon Spanking Children – January 1992
Warning - There's a Preacher Shortage - by Shane Capps - April 2022
Was Dinah a Virgin After She Was Raped? - by Terry Carter - January 2024
Was Inhospitality the Sin of Sodom? – October 1994
Was Jesus a Rebel? – by Terry Carter – April 2015
Was Jesus a Social Reformer? – January 1991
Was Jesus a Vegetarian? – April 1992
Was Jesus a Willing Martyr? – January 1992
Was Jesus Being Fearful of the Cross? - July 2009
Was Matthias an Apostle? – by Terry Carter – October 1995
Was Melchizedek Christ? – January 1989
Was Membership in a Local Church a part of New Testament Polity? – by Fred P. Miller – October 2008
Was Paul Ever Married…In Your Opinion? – October 1995
Was Pope John Paul II a Good Man? – April 2005
Was Sex the Forbidden Fruit, or Was Cain the Son of Satan? – July 1993
Was Terah or Abraham called to Canaan? – October 2008
Was There a Pre-Adamic World? – by Terry Carter – April 2001
We Never Learn Series 1 – The Pied Piper – Gothardism – July 2011 
Wearing Shorts / Disrespect? – July 2000
Website Statements of Faith – April 2013
Wedding Vows (From Justin / Rachel Ruff Wedding) – July 2013
Weep Not for Me – by Brenda Barker – April 2021
Were Joshua and Caleb the only Ones Over 21 to Enter the Promised Land? – October 2011
Were the Days of Creation a Literal 24 Hour Period? – April 1992
Were We Born Astray or Did we Go Astray? – Psalms 58:3 – October 2011
We’ve Been Down This Road Before – by John Waddey – January 2017
What About a Woman Prophesying? – January 1999
What About God Killing Children? – by Terry Carter – January 2021
What About Jewelry and Make-up? – April 1989
What About Anointing with Oil? – July 1999
What About People Claiming a Burden from the Lord? – January 1992
What About Plagiarism? – January 2010
What About Romans 9 and Pre-destination? – July 2010
What About the Schofield Reference Bible? – July 1988
What About the Talmud? – January 1989
What Causes Love to Cease? – October 2007
What Do We Know of Mary Magdalene? – April 2005
What Does it Mean to be “Born Again”? John 3:3-7 – by Terry Carter – January 2020
What Does the Resurrection Mean to Me Personally? – April 2009
What Good is Faith? – April 1994
What Happened to the Ark of the Covenant? – October 1991
What Happens When You Get a Divorce? – by D. Coburn – January 1998
What I Corinthians 13 is Saying Chart – January 2005
What is Promise Keepers? – April 1995
What is so Unique About the Resurrection of Jesus for Salvation? – April 2020
What is the Abomination of Desolation Jesus Refers to in Matthew 24:15-21? – January 2018
What is the Difference? – January 1994
What is the Significance of Crimson and Scarlet? (Isaiah 1:18) – April 1996
What Made the Sin of Numbering Israel Seem So Great? – January 1997
What was Paul's "Thorn in the flesh"? - by D. Coburn – April 1995
What Went Wrong in Colorado? – by K. Faull – January 2000
What Would You Do? (Should Christians celebrate Pagan Holidays?) – April 2001
What You Taught Us (A Poem for funeral of Georgiena Carter) by Terry Carter – July 2017
What’s Going On in the World? - January 2005
What’s Involved in Regeneration? CHART – June 2003
What’s New at Summit? – April 2013
What’s the Cost of Smoking? – January 2009
What’s the Difference Between You and a Catholic? – January 2010
When Did the Church Really Begin? – by K. Faull – January 2002
Where Are the Children – by Tabitha (Brenda Barker) – October 2018
Where Did the Wise Men Arrive to See Jesus? – July 2011
Which Is Worse? – April 1991
Which Version Is Best? – April 1992
“Whiskey Speech” – Orator Judge “Soggy” Sweat dies – The Clarion Ledger – Feb. 24, 1996 – January 2011
Who Am I? (A Poor Divorced woman) – October 1996
Who Would Imagine? - January 2006
Who Slew Goliath; David or Elhanan? – January 2008
Who Spoke in Tongues on Pentecost? – January 2018
Who Stole My Patron Saint? – July 2011
Who You Courtin’? (Contrast of the Proverbs women) – July 2017
Who’s Packing Your Parachute? – by Kenneth Burtch – July 2005
Whom Do You Support in Divorce? – January 2011
Why a Weekly Observance of the Lord's Supper? – July 1994
Why Aren't We Raising Up More Preachers? – October 2000
Why Christians Refer to Jesus as the Son of God and the Son of Man? – July 1991
Why Did Noah Curse his Younger son? – July 1993
Why Did the Supreme Court Remove the Ban on Sodomy? – July 2003
Why Did you say that Enoch and Elijah were NOT Translated to Heaven? – January 2008
Why Didn’t Nicodemus Understand about “Born Again” or “Born of water and Spirit”? – January 2020
Why Does the Bible Mention Oddities? – January 1994
Why Don’t Many People Come to Christ and Be Saved? – July 2011
Why Go to Church? - by Terry Carter – October 2021
Why Hypocrites in the Church? – October 2011
Why I Don’t Attend the Baptist Church – October 2004
Why Men Hate God – July 1989
Why Moses was Forbidden to Enter the Promised Land – January 2013
Why "Not to Believe" – by K. Faull – April 2000
Why Summit School of Preaching? – January 2012
Why the Fire? – by Steve Fennell – October 2009
Why They Don't Believe – by K. Faull
Why We Are Non-denominational – July 1989
Why We Have No Right To Expect Miracles Today – by C. Garringer
Why Worship Services are Changing – July 2005
Will Animals Be In Heaven? – October 2012
Will God Forgive Me if I Take My Life? – January 1994
Will the Roman Road Lead to Heaven? – April 2002
Without Excuse? – October 1989
“Woe” Unto You – April 2020
Women Baptizing? – October 2008
Women Song Leaders – July 1995
Women Teachers – A Satire – by Terry Carter – July 2014
Women Workers and Volunteers at Summit (Appreciation page) – July 2018
Women’s Head Coverings – I Corinthians 11 – April 2012
Words from the King James Version – January 1997
Would You Preach Here? Apostle Paul – October 1988
Wrestling with Pigs - by Terry Carter - October 2023
You Are a Sinner – July 1997
You Can Do Nothing Against Truth – (Re: Tyndale Bibles) – January 2021
You May be a Dysfunctional Family If…. July 2019
"Young Maiden" instead of "Young Virgin" – July 1991

"From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth, from the laziness that is content with half-truths, from the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth, O God of Truth, deliver us."
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