LEAP Program

The LEAP Program is designed for busy men and women who want a concentrated study of courses offered. (See Schedule Below)

These are 2-day programs (for Audit or taken for 1-credit) so that the subject may be thoroughly covered equipping the student to be an effective steward of what they learn.

Cost Per Person:

Audit - FREE

Credit - $60.00
Please contact Summit to make Reservations for Attendance
765-472-4111 - office@summit1.org


Begins Friday - 10:00 AM - Noon
Break for Lunch
Resumes - 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Break for Supper
Resumes - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Sessions Continue Saturday
9:00 AM - Noon

" In this world, you will have trouble"
Charlie Gerber
April 11-12

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